Thomas Carlyle on the Motivator and the Manipulator

"A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats the little man. 
The value you place on people determines whether you are a motivator or a manipulator of men. Motivation is moving together for a mutual advantage.
Manipulation is moving together for my advantage.
That is a substantial difference.
With the motivator everybody wins.
With the manipulator only the manipulator wins"- Thomas Carlyle (
ًWithout naming anyone, i am going to use Carlyle's quote and project it into two examples of  the Lebanese "Leaders" and then every free mind can conclude who is the manipulator and who is the motivator? who is working for the mutual advantage and who is working for his personal benefits?

To start with:

- He pampered the Palestinians when they had the upper hand on the Lebanese politics.
- He pampered then the Syrians when the upper hand has changed.
- In 1982, he pampered the Israelis and with their indirect help, he  killed Lebanese Christians and displaced the lucky saved ones from their land and homes.

- After Taef, he went back again into a honeymoon with the Syrians who used to tailor made election laws to his size.

- In 2005, he was more radical than Bolton and Cheney against the Syrians and his fellow Lebanese (Chiia mainly)
- In 2010, he went back to the lap of the Syrians after multiple apologies from Assad and to his friends and allies in Lebanon.

- In 2012, he is preparing to re-fall into US/EU destructive policy for the ME.

Whereas, in the other side we have:
- A leader who declared the liberation of Lebanon since 23 Nov 2004 in an interview with Georges Salibi (New TV) asking the Lebanese and Syrian politicians to sit all together and find an honorable withdraw of the Syrian army. Then he asked the Lebanese people to believe in the forthcoming withdrawal and be prepared for a more difficult battle: the liberation of their minds and souls.

His opponents said that he was dreaming and the maximum acceptable is to apply Taef agreement and redeploy the troupes in the Bekaa valley!
- In 2005, he faced alone a quartet of brother-enemies in the elections, knowing that his personal stake was reserved should he accept to join?
- His followers work for free day and night facing sophisticated elections machines and millions spent on buying voters.
- He signed an understanding with the representative of 30% of the Lebanese population asking the remaining representatives to join and surprising so many of his followers who needed time to evaluate and appreciate this step. Then, losing a percentage of voters who could not digest nor even understand this strategic comprehensive agreement.
- He is preaching for accountability and reform and that the public should not have a short group memory.
- He works for the advantage of the whole public, like when he seeks for forensic auditing and when he decreases telecom bills, establishes electricity and labor/social plans...

Before concluding, I must say that in the last two days, I noticed a new leader is emerging to the surface of the Lebanese political life.
He is delaying and undermining all projects that have a public benefit, like telecom, power, salaries... Then, in a Hariri style, he is trying to win some radical sectarian voices by solo ruling the cabinet as if a CEO and sometimes, by using his own car to get "Qaeda" style suspects out of arrest!

I leave it to every free mind reading this, to identify who is a true leading motivator and who is a true leading manipulator.
God bless Lebanon.


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