
Showing posts from February, 2012

Thomas Carlyle on the Motivator and the Manipulator

"A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats the little man.  The value you place on people determines whether you are a motivator or a manipulator of men. Motivation is moving together for a mutual advantage. Manipulation is moving together for my advantage. That is a substantial difference. With the motivator everybody wins. With the manipulator only the manipulator wins"- Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-1881)-  ===================================================================== ًWithout naming anyone, i am going to use Carlyle's quote and project it into two examples of  the Lebanese "Leaders" and then every free mind can conclude who is the manipulator and who is the motivator? who is working for the mutual advantage and who is working for his personal benefits? To start with: - He pampered the Palestinians when they had the upper hand on the Lebanese politics. - He pampered then the Syrians when the upper hand has changed. - In 1982, he